NCLII-2 aims to prepare 28 Scholars for leadership positions with expertise in meeting the complex and comorbid learning and behavior needs of students with disabilities who have “intense service needs”—students with disabilities who require intensive intervention.
The KEY COMPETENCIES below are integrated in the Scholars’ doctoral training programs as well as in the Intensive Intervention Core Curriculum. Following their participation in NCLII-2, Scholars will be:
1. Able to locate, read, critique, and synthesize research involving academic and behavior interventions.
2. Knowledgeable in areas of statistical analysis and group and single-subject research design appropriate for evaluating the efficacy of intensive intervention.
3. Experts in designing and delivering intensive intervention (DBI) to meet the needs of students with disabilities with persistent and severe, co- occurring academic and behavioral difficulties.
4. Experienced in designing, conducting, and analyzing results from research studies involving students with complex and comorbid learning and behavior disabilities that require intense service.
5. Able to write strong, successful grant applications.
6. Able to write research-based articles that are publishable in the top peer-evaluated special education journals.
7. Able to play a leadership role in the area of intensive intervention by conducting high-quality research on intensive intervention and preparing special educators who are able to implement DBI.
8. An exceptional teacher and designer of instruction at the higher education level.
9. Experienced in preparing teachers (both pre-service and current) to implement intensive intervention (DBI).
10. Highly competitive job candidates in the areas of research, higher education, teacher preparation, and special education leadership.
The contents of this website were developed under grants from the U.S. Department of Education, #H325H140001 and #H325190003. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Celia Rosenquist.