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SPOTLIGHT: Faculty-Scholar Collaboration

Professor Paul Yovanoff

NCLII Scholar Sarah Wilkinson

We are completing a cross-site collaboration to advance the findings from Project Intensity. The collaboration has two beneficial objectives. First, the data obtained through Project Intensity have not been thoroughly analyzed. Second, the collaboration will increase our methodological skill.

Project Intensity is an IES Intervention Development (Goal 2) grant that began in 2013 and is nearing completion. The reading intervention “Friends on the Block” is designed for students with intellectual disability. Findings are promising (Allor eta al, in review a; Allor et al, in review b;). The multiple baseline single-case research is a within-case (N=18) multiple baseline across reading levels design. The data structure includes baseline and intervention phases, with each case replicated across reading levels. Various design features offer an excellent opportunity for us to explore, (a) choice of effect-size indices, (b) choice of meta-analytic model, and (c) rescaling of the outcome measure.

Worth noting, for purposes of developing methodological skill, we are re-analyzing a second data set. Dr. Moira McKenna (a former advisee of Dr. Robert Horner at the University of Oregon) has generously offered her dissertation data for re-analysis. Moira’s 2006 dissertation (McKenna, 2006) research focused on the use of functional behavior analyses to improve reading outcomes. The data file is useful as a classic multiple baseline single-case study for modelling both case and intervention covariates. We will use current procedures to re-analyze Moira’s data.

Allor, J. H., Yovanoff, P., Al Otaiba, S., Ortiz, M. B., & Conner, C. (in review a). Literacy intervention for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A meta-analysis. Exceptional Children.

Allor, J. H., Gifford, D. B., Jones, F. G., Al Otaiba, S., Yovanoff, P., Ortiz, M. B., & Cheatham, J. P. (in review b). The effects of a text-centered literacy curriculum for students with intellectual disability. American Journal for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

McKenna, M. (2006). The role of function-based academic and behavior support to improve reading achievement. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Pro-Quest (3224106).

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