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Austin, C. R., Vaughn, S., & McClelland, A. M. (2017). Intensive reading interventions for inadequate responders in grades K-3: A synthesis. Learning Disability Quarterly, 1-20. doi: 10.1177/0731948717714446

Austin, C. R., & Vaughn, S. (in press). Reading interventions for young learners with reading difficulties and disabilities: The role of word reading and word meaning. Advances in Special Education.

Austin, C. R., Wanzek, J., Scammacca, N. L., Vaughn, S., Gesel, S. A., Donegan, R. E., Engelmann, M. L. (in press). The relationship between study quality and the effects of supplemental reading interventions: A meta-analysis. Exceptional Children.

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