Collaborative Research Review Project Results in Publication Submission
Collaborative Research Review Project Results in Publication Submission
By the time we headed to the Dairy Barn for ice cream on Saturday night, we were pretty much spent. But, after working all day for three days in a row, we had all but concluded our manuscript, which after a few more email exchanges and a bit more online collaboration, we have submitted for publication.
Our Collaborative Research Review Project (CRRP) had begun with a brief meeting at the NCLII All-Scholar Meeting in Minnesota in the fall of 2017. Participating scholars included Victoria Whaley (UCONN), Carlin Conner (SMU), Jennifer Stewart (SMU), and Britta Bresina (UMN). NCLII faculty Devin Kearns (UConn) would be our advisor, and he presented us an interesting research question: how do reading intervention programs teach morphology? He had previously conducted a related review, focused on teaching syllables and syllable division, but this particular question posed a new opportunity for us to grow in our own scholarship. We set an ambitious goal to have the review completed and a paper submitted in less than a year.
From that meeting forward, Devin led the team well. We collaboratively developed research questions. Each of us was assigned a particular aspect of the search for programs. Carlin Conner gathered program names from several online sites and a teacher survey from another study. Jennifer Stewart searched for online programs and apps. Britta Bresina conducted a search of the literature to identify researcher-developed programs. Victoria Whaley created a coding system for our research questions and began coding the programs we already had available.
Over the next several months, we met online, gathered and coded programs, and began to examine our data. With shared accountability, we advanced our research until we determined that the most efficient way to complete our double coding and writing would be to meet in person. In June 2018, we spent three days together at the University of Connecticut in what we affectionately dubbed “Writing Camp.” In that time, we completed double coding, inter-observer agreement calculations, drafted the paper, and completed a poster for presentation at the OSEP Project Director’s meeting.
Our collaboration on this project strengthened our professional relationships and skills as scholars. We will be better able to work together in the future and lead similar projects because of the opportunity our CRRP project provided. We are grateful to Devin for his leadership on this project and to NCLII for the funding and experience!
The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H325H140001. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Celia Rosenquist.