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Primary Instructors:
Marcia Barnes (Vanderbilt University)

Chris Doabler (University of Texas at Austin)

Contributing Instructors:

Carolyn Denton, retired – former Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center(Houston), Children’s Learning Institute

Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez, Vanderbilt University 

Devin Kearns, University of Connecticut

Module 8 Video Introduction – Marcia Barnes

Topic 1: Complexity of CLBDs in English Language Learners

Reading 1:

Castro‐Olivo, S., Preciado, J., Le, L., Marciante, M., & Garcia, M. (2018). The effects of culturally adapted version of First Steps to Success for Latino English language learners: Preliminary pilot study. Psychology in the Schools55(1), 36-49.

Topic 1 Video Introduction to Lecture – Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez

Topic 2: What are moderation effects (formerly called treatment by aptitude interactions) and why are they important for thinking of customization of interventions?

Reading 8:

Fuchs, D., & Fuchs, L. S. (2019). On the importance of moderator analysis in intervention research: An introduction to the special issue. Exceptional Children, 85(2).

Topic 3: What types of interventions exist for addressing co-occuring CLBDs?

Reading 14:

Tamm, L., Denton, C. A., Epstein, J. N., Schatschneider, C., Taylor, H., Arnold, L. E., … & Vaughn, A. (2017). Comparing treatments for children with ADHD and word reading difficulties: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology85(5), 434-446.

Web-based Resource:

David Kenny’s Introduction to Moderator Variables

*This is a snapshot of components for Module 8. For complete access to the entire module, please email a request to nclii@vanderbilt.edu.

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